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The Centre for Marian Studies
News & Views

Our Lady's Dowry
The rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary will take place on Sunday 29 March 2020. Sarah Jane Boss, who is the founder of the...
Conference Booking Now Available
We are delighted to let you know that you can now book a place for our forthcoming conference entitled Bridges and Boundaries: The Role...

Our Lady of the Nations:Marian Apparitions and Shrines in Europe
Dr Chris Maunder of the Centre for Marian Studies will be leading a Study Day at Sarum College in Salisbury on Saturday 29 February 2020....

The Life of the Virgin Mary on Page and Screen
The first of a new series of study days, organised by the Centre for Marian Studies and  Sarum College in Salisbury, will take place on...
We are delighted to announce that we are joining with the Institute of Theology at St Mary’s University to hold a conference on the...

74th Meeting of SFEM (the French Mariological Society) at Pontmain in France
The 74th meeting of the Société française d’Études mariales (The French Mariological Society) took place at Pontmain in the north west of...

One-day Courses at Sarum College, Salisbury
The Centre for Marian Studies has joined forces with Sarum College in Salisbury to offer a number of one-day courses on the Virgin Mary....

The 70th meeting of the Mariological Society of America
The 70th meeting of the Mariological Society of America took place from 14th – 17th May 2019 at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La...

The Oxford Handbook of Mary
The Oxford Handbook of Mary is due to be published by Oxford University Press on the 1st August 2019. It includes chapters on textual,...

Stockport's 'Miraculous Roses' Church to Close - Mike Russell
The Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford, John Arnold, has made some radical reconfigurations to the number of parishes in his Diocese. 150...

Why did the Dominicans oppose the Immaculate Conception? - Simon Francis Gaine OP
Fr Simon Gaine OP has kindly provided the CMS website with the paper he delivered on 8th December 2018 at the conference 'Miraculous...

Conference Day Report - Catherine O'Brien
The Centre for Marian Studies was delighted to join with the Institute for Theology at St Mary’s University for a conference entitled...

The Road to Compostela: Marian Shrines in Northern Spain
In October 2018, Chris and Natalie Maunder did not take the time-honoured Camino, the walking pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela,...
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