The Centre for Marian Studies just enjoyed taking part in a fascinating conference entitled "More universal than Catholicism? Mary among Asian religions" that we co-organised with the Initiative for the Study of Asian Catholics (ISAC) in Singapore: https://www.isac-research.org
270 people registered for this online event, and we heard excellent papers on a rich range of Marian topics. Speakers joined us from the US, Mexico, Portugal, Germany, Japan, China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan and Australia. We thank all the members of the CMS who attended the panels, especially as a few sessions took place in the middle of the night in some countries, given that we were dealing with time zones across the world! We are grateful to Dr Michel Chambon of ISAC who ran the Zoom meeting from Singapore.

ISAC is going to produce a podcast series, in which Hisako Omori, a Japanese anthropologist, will re-interview each of the conference speakers. If you would like to be informed about the release of the podcasts (probably this summer), please register your email address here: https://forms.gle/rTEbcYtANuXqdGWB6