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Relevant Publications

Recent articles and books published by members of the CMS

Dr Sarah Jane Boss



[As editor] Mary: A resource book for study (LondonContinuum, and New York: Oxford University Press, 2007 hbk and 2009 pbk)



Mary [in the series ‘New Century Theology’] (London: Continuum, 2004)



Empress and Handmaid: On nature and gender in the cult of the Virgin Mary (London: Cassell, 2000)






‘Original Holiness: The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Catholic Theology of Nineteenth-Century Europe’, in Chris Maunder (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Virgin Mary Oxford: OUP, 2019.



‘Mary’s virginity in the work of Ramon Llull’, in Lesley Twomey, et al. (eds.), Christ, Mary and the Saints: Theorizing our spiritual past Martlesham (Suffolk): Boydell and Brewer [forthcoming].



‘Deification: The Mariology of the ordinary faithful’, in New Blackfriars, vol.98:1074 (March 2017), 188-202 [paper invited by the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain].



‘The nature of Nature in Ramon Llull’, in Penelope Dransart (ed.): Living Beings Oxford: Berg (for the Association of Social Anthropologists), 2013.



‘Llull’s Llibre de Santa Maria: Theodicy, ontology and initiation’, Studia Lulliana, 51 (2011), pp.25-51.



‘Wisdom’s House: Abbott David’s commissioning of the Elder Lady Chapel’, in Jon Cannon and Elizabeth Williamson (eds.): An Enigma Explored: The Medieval Art, Architecture and History of Bristol Cathedral, 2 Woodbridge: Boydell, 2011, pp.61-68. [Invited paper given to conference at the University of Bristol]



‘ “Black but beautiful”: The black madonnas of Western Europe and the biblical commentaries of St. Bernard of Clairvaux’, in Christine E.Joynes and Christopher C.Rowland (eds.): From the Margins II: Women of the New Testament and their Afterlives Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2009.



‘Alcuin of York on Wisdom and Mary: Texts and buildings’, in Zoë Devlin and Caroline N.J. Holas-Clark: Approaching Interdisciplinarity: Archaeology, History and the Study of Early Medieval Britain, c.400-1100, BAR British Series 486, 2009, pp.62-71.



Dr Chris Maunder



(Editor) The Oxford Handbook of Mary, OUP, 2019 - Purchase here



Our Lady of the Nations: Apparitions of Mary in Twentieth Century Catholic Europe (OUP, 2016) - Purchase here



Documents of the Christian Church (OUP, 3rd and 4th editions, 1999 and 2011) - Purchase here



 Origins of the Cult of the Virgin Mary (Continuum/Bloomsbury, 2008) - Purchase here





‘Introduction’ and ‘Mary and the Gospel Narratives’ in C Maunder (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Mary, pp 21-39, OUP, 2019.



‘Marian Visionaries in Roman Catholicism as Popular Theologians: the “Lady of All Nations” of Amsterdam’ in The Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol 27.2, May 2012, pp 291-304.



'Mapping the Presence of Mary: Germany's Modern Apparition Shrines' in The Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol 28.1, Jan 2013, pp 79-93.



'The Footprints of Religious Enthusiasm: Great Memorials and Faint Vestiges of Belgium's Marian Apparition Mania of the 1930s' in The Journal of Religion and Society, Vol 15, pp 1-17.



‘Introduction’ and ‘Origins of the Cult of the Virgin Mary in the New Testament’ in C Maunder (ed), Origins of the Cult of the Virgin Mary, pp 23-40, Burns & Oates 2008.



‘Marian Shrines in Yorkshire and Roman Catholic Identity’ in S Kim & P Kollontai (eds), Community Identity: Dynamics of Religion in Context, pp 125-42, London: Continuum/T&T Clark, 2007.



‘Mary in the New Testament and Apocrypha’ and ‘Apparitions of Mary’ in S J Boss (ed), Mary: The Complete Resource, pp 11-46, 424-57, London: Continuum/OUP, 2007. 



See also the profiles for 'The Lady of All Nations' and 'Nova Cana on the website, which is managed by the World Religions and Spiritualities Project, Virginia Commonwealth University, U.S.A.



Dr Catherine O'Brien


Martin Scorsese’s Divine Comedy: Movies and Religion (London: Bloomsbury, 2018). Available via Knowledge Unlatched at Open Access - click here



The celluloid Madonna: from scripture to screen (Wallflower Press, 2011). 



Lloyd Fran and O'Brien, Catherine, eds.  Secret spaces, forbidden places: rethinking culture (Berghahn Books 2000).



 Women's fictional responses to the First World War: a comparative study of selected texts by French and German writers (Peter Lang, 1997).






‘Symbol, Vision, Mother: Mary in Film’ in C Maunder (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Mary, pp 546-58, OUP, 2019.



‘Beyond the Can[n]on: French Women’s Responses to the First World War’, French Cultural Studies 7(20) June 1996, pp.201-213.



‘“There is no greater love…”: Biblical Imagery in Women’s First World War Literature’, Journal of War and Literature/Krieg und Literatur (University of Osnabrück, 1999).



‘A Double Message: French Literary Responses to Mariology’ in P. Cooke and J. Lee (eds), (Un)Faithful Texts? (New Orleans: University Press of the South, 2000), pp.201-213.



‘When radical meets conservative: Godard, Delannoy and the Virgin Mary’, Literature and Theology: An International Journal of Religion, Theory and Culture, Vol. 15(2), June 2001, pp.174-186.



‘From Sacred to Secular: Translations of the Infancy Narratives in Twentieth-Century French Culture’, Maria: A Journal of Marian Studies. Vol.3(2) February 2003, pp.226-238.



‘Seeking Perfection of Form: French Cultural Responses to the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, Marian Studies, Vol. 55, 2004, pp.114-134. - available here



‘Sacrificial Rituals and Wounded Hearts: The Uses of Christian Symbolism in French and German Women’s Responses to the First World War’, in A.S. Fell and I. Sharp (eds), The Women’s Movement in Wartime. International Perspectives, 1914-19. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), pp.244-259 - purchase here



‘Mary in European Literature’ in S. Boss (ed.), Mary: The Complete Resource (London: Continuum, 2007), pp.521-531.



‘Mary in Film’ in S. Boss (ed.), Mary: The Complete Resource (London: Continuum, 2007), pp.532-536. - purchase here



‘Mythological Readings of Mary’s Motherhood’, Marian Studies, Vol. 57, 2009, pp.173-189 - available here



‘The Life of Mary in Film: Marian films in the 21st century’, Marian Studies, Vol.60, 2013, pp.287-296 - available here



‘“Love, What Have You Done to Me?” Eros and agape in Alfred Hitchcock's I Confess’, The Journal of Religion and Film, 18(1), 2014 - available here



‘Women in the Cinematic Gospels in Burnette-Blesch, R. (ed.) The Bible in motion: a handbook of the Bible and its reception in film (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2016), pp.449-462 - purchase here



‘Marie dans le cinéma contemporain: un nouveau visage?’ in La figure de Marie dans les expressions artistiques récentes: XXe et XXIe siècle (Société française d’études mariales), 2016, pp.115-131.



‘Symbol, Vision, Mother: Mary in Film’ in Maunder, C. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Mary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2019).




Kevin Alban O'Carm.


 “The Letters of Thomas Netter of Walden” in Carmel in Britain vol. 2, ed. P. Fitzgerald-Lombard (Rome: Institutum Carmelitanum, 1992).



“George Rayner - An Elizabethan Carmelite” Carmelus 46 (1999) 128-137“John Bird, Giacomo Calco, Giambattista Pallavicini and the King’s Great Matter” Carmelus 47 (2000) 109-116.



 “The Character and Influence of Carmelite Devotion to Mary in Mediaeval England” Maria A Journal of Marian Studies 2 (2001) 73-104.



 “Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Popular Piety in Europe” in In Communion with Mary: Our Heritage and Prospects for the Future (Rome: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2003).



“The Fabric of Worship: Liturgy and its Artefacts in the Medieval English Province of Carmelites” Carmelus 53 (2006) 111-129.



“The Ignea sagitta and the Second Council of Lyons”, in The Carmelite Rule 1207-2007, P. McMahon (ed.), (Rome: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2008).



 “Thomas Netter on contemplation in the Doctrinale” in G. Grosso and W. Santin (eds), Memoriam fecit mirabilia Dei: Scritti in onore di Emanuele Boaga O. Carm. (Rome: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2009).



 “The Treatment of Mary in the Doctrinale of Thomas Netter as a Resource for Contemporary Theology.” in Thomas Netter of Walden: Carmelite, Diplomat and Theologian (c. 1372-1430) in Carmel in Britain studies on the early history of the Carmelite Order, Volume 4. Edited by Johan Bergström-Allen & Richard Copsey (Faversham: St. Albert’s Press, 2009).



 The Teaching and Impact of the “Doctrinale” of Thomas Netter of Walden, (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010).



 “Orthodox Reform in England and on the Continent in the Early Fifteenth Century” Carmelus 60 (2013) 29-45.



 “Carmelite Spirituality and The New Evangelisation” Carmel in the World 52 (2013) 203-219.



 “Carmelite Spirituality and The New Evangelisation: A Call to Transformation” Mount Carmel 62 (2014) 58-67.



 “La mariologia dei riformatori inglesi nei secoli XVI e XVII” Theotokos 22 (2014) 53-86.



 “La mariologia carmelitana nel XX secolo”, in ed. L. Borriello e L. Gaetani, Per una mariologia carmelitana, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2014).



 “Thomas Netter: Pushing Back the Boundaries of Affiliation in the Carmelite Order” Carmelus 61 (2014) 9-29.



 “Carmelite Identity and Orthodoxy: Thomas Netter and the Doctrinale” in J. Röhrkasten and C. Zermatten (eds) Historiography and Identity. Responses to Medieval Carmelite Culture, (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2017), pp. 63-75.



“Some aspects of Carmelite involvement in the early years of the Abbey of Syon” in Continuity and Change. Papers from the Birgitta Conference at Dartington 2015. Eds Elin Andersson, Claes Gejrot, Eddie Jones and Mia Åkestam. Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitetsakademien. Konferenser 94 (Stockholm, 2017).



“Fighting Lollardy with the Rule: Thomas Netter and the Doctrinale” in M. Sauer and K. Alban (eds), Celebrating St Albert and his Rule. Rules, Devotion, Orthodoxy and Dissent. (Rome: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2018).



“Carmelite Marian Studies in the Twentieth Century” in Sentire cum ecclesia Festschrift for Christopher O’Donnell O. Carm. (Rome: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2018).



“The Idea of Mary as ‘Sister’ in Carmelite Mariology” in The Oxford Handbook of Mary (forthcoming 2019).



 “Carmelite Liturgy and Resurrection Spirituality” in Festschrift for Prof. Michael Sargent.



Editor - Translator


 Carmelite Constitutions 1995 (Melbourne: Carmelite Communications, 1996) – Editor



 Journeying with Carmel (Melbourne: Carmelite Communications, 1997) – Editor



Tiziano Tosolini, To Speak of God in the Twilight (London: Gracewing, 1997) – Translator



Fons et culmen vitae Carmelitanae, Proceedings of the Carmelite Liturgical Seminar, S. Felice del Benaco, 13-16 June, 2006, Textus et Studia Historica Carmelitana, 30 (Roma: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2007) – Editor



 We Sing a Hymn of Glory to the Lord, Proceedings of the Carmelite Liturgical Seminar, Rome, 6-8 July, 2009, Textus et Studia Historica Carmelitana, 32 (Roma: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2010) – Editor



Celebrating St Albert and his Rule. Rules, Devotion, Orthodoxy and Dissent. (Rome: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2018) – Editor with M. Sauer 



 Revisiting the Fountain of Elijah – Essays in Honour of Wilfrid McGreal (Rome: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2018) – Editor with Johan Bergström-Allen



Entries in Dizionario Carmelitano (2007) and Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010)



Reviews in Carmelus, Marianum, The Month, The Way, Mount Carmel, Maria




Mike Russell





I Tell of a Matchless Maiden: Devotions to Our Lady of Oldham 1280-1580. (currently being expanded).



The Prologue is Addressed: A History of the Oldham Lyceum Amateur Dramatic Society 1902-1908. (1998)



Stockport’s Miraculous Roses – Fraud or Favour? (2008)





The Catholic Great War Memorials of Oldham, Ninety Years On: 2009: North West Catholic History; vol 30. pp72-82.





Our Corner of the Vineyard: A History of Ss Aidan and Oswald’s Roman Catholic Church, Royton.



Jacob Phillips





Distant Scene: John Henry Newman and the English Sensibility, London: T&T Clark Studies in English Theology, (Under Contract, forthcoming 2021)



Simplicity and Wisdom: Human Subjectivity in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, London: T&T Clark Series in Systematic Theology, forthcoming 2019



Mary, Star of Evangelization: Tilling the Soil and Sowing the Seed, Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2018



Translation: Benedict XVI and Peter Seewald, Last Testament: In His Own Words, London; Bloomsbury, 2016



Articles and Chapters:


‘Heteronomy and Conscience in the Third Reich in Joseph Ratzinger and Dietrich Bonhoeffer’ in Joseph Ratzinger and the Healing of the Reformation-Era Divisions, edited by Matthew Levering and Emery de Gaal, Steubenville:Emmaus Academic, forthcoming 2019



‘The Roman Catholic Episcopate in Britain’ in Episkope: the theory and practice of translocal leadership, edited by Roger Standing and Paul Goodliff, London: Paternoster Press, forthcoming 2018



‘Confirmation in the Spirit by Con-formation to Mary: The Gifts of the Spirit in Marian Perspective’ in Marian Studies 2017 issue, forthcoming



‘Dietrich Bonhoeffer the Londoner: A Discussion of the London Period 1933-1935’, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Jahrbuch Volume 6, forthcoming 2019



‘Having to be thus: On Bonhoeffer’s Reading of Goethe’s Iphegenia in Tauris, Oxford Journal of Literature and Theology, Volume 32, Issue 3, 1 September 2018, Pages 357–370



‘My Enemy’s Enemy is my Friend: Martin Luther and Joseph Ratzinger on the Bi-Dimensionality of Conscience’, Heythrop Journal, 2017


‘A Bride Bedecked with her Jewels: Inculturation and Popular Piety as a “locus theologicus” in Evangelii Gaudium’ in Pope Francis and the Renewal of the Church, edited by Alana Harris and Duncan Dormor, Mahwah:Paulist Press, 2017


‘Interreligious Reading After Vatican II with John Henry Newman’s Two Habits of Mind’, Journal of Scriptural Reasoning: SR and Vatican II issue, November 2016



‘The Cup of Suffering: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Discipleship and German Expressionism’ in Christianity, Modernism and Apocalypse, (Studies in Religion and the Arts Series), edited by: Erik Tonning, Brill Publications, 2014



‘Pierced Side Hermeneutics: Reading the Scriptures in the Spirit of Luther' in The Bible: Culture, Community and Society, edited by: Angus Paddison and Neil Messer, T&T Clark, 2013



‘Dispossessed Science, Dispossessed Self: Wilhelm Dilthey and Bonhoeffer’s Christology Lectures of 1933’ in Ontology and Ethics: Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Contemporary Scholarship edited by: Mike Mawson and Adam Clark, Pickwick Publications, 2013



‘Being Scorned by One’s Own is Perfect Joy: the Strange Case of Dorothy Day’, Journal of Religious History, Issue 37: 528–540, December 2013



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